Wood pigeon hunting trips in Bulgaria - Hunting area Рашевци 5035

Wood pigeon shooting in Bulgaria - Hunting area Рашевци 5035

Wood pigeon hunting in Bulgaria - Hunting area Рашевци 5035

Wood pigeon shooting in Europe - Hunting area Рашевци 5035

Wood pigeon hunting in Europe - Hunting area Рашевци 5035

Wood pigeon hunting in Bulgaria

Bulgaria Hunting Trips - Discounted wood pigeon hunting trips on bghunters.com - Small game hunting area Рашевци 5035

Bulgaria Hunting Trips - Discounted wood pigeon hunting trips on bghunters.com - Small game hunting area Рашевци 5035

» Bulgaria Hunting Trips » Wood pigeon hunting in Bulgaria » Hunting area Рашевци 5035

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Wood pigeon hunting trips in Bulgaria

Hunting area Рашевци 5035

We hunt some of the best areas for Wood Pigeon in Bulgaria!

Who is offering this hunt?

Contact directly with:

Ted Tomoff » Hunter & Host

Wood Pigeon hunting period & methods

Wood pigeon hunting in Bulgaria season:

  • Second Saturday of August - Second Sunday of February

Small game standart price list

Wood Pigeon

The wood pigeon is numerous in almost all parts of Bulgaria. Over the past years, the populations have significantly increased their numbers. Wood pigeon is interesting and valuable game bird. Its flight is fast and slick, and hunting is difficult and requires a lot of patience. When cooked properly, its meat is a real delicacy.
Scientific Name: Columba palumbus

Habitat: Forests and woods, fields and hedges, gardens and heathland.

Description: Largest of the pigeons, identified by white neck fish and broad white wing bar. Generally grey above, pinkish below. In flight wingtips can be seen to be black, and the tail grey with black terminal band.

Hunting method: Shooting over decoys, walking up, lying in wait.

Hunting available in: All areas of distribution in Bulgaria.

Accompanying hunt: It can be combined with Turtle-dove hunting.

Hunting services: Standart price list

Browse a selection of wood pigeon hunting trips in Bulgaria. Direct offers from outfitters in Hunting area Рашевци 5035 on bghunters.com & Bulgaria Hunting Trips, Рашевци, община Велико Търново, област Велико Търново, п.к.5035.

Bulgaria Hunting Trips | Hunting area Рашевци 5035

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Wood pigeon hunting trips in Bulgaria

Small game - Pigeon shooting in Bulgaria

  • Wood pigeon hunting in Bulgaria
  • Рашевци 5035
Wood Pigeons hunting trips in Bulgaria

In the beginning of the season for wood pigeon hunting doesn’t differ from turtledoves as both animals are stalked in the same feeding spots (sunflower fields and harvested agricultural fields).

Hunters have to be at the hunting grounds at 7:00 AM and can hunt there until 11:00 AM. From 11:00 AM to 16:00 PM the birds can be stalked by the watering spots (beside rivers, swamps, overflows etc.) and the places where they rest (damp, sunless forests beside sunflower fields, acacia forests, dried tree trunks or massive singular trees from which the wood pigeon has the possibility to keep watch for any threats). Hunters need to be under the cover of a tree or at the edge of the forest and shoot only birds in flight. The period for this type of wingshooting in Bulgaria starts the beginning of August and ends on the 30th of October.

Wood pigeon hunting with lures:

Wood pigeons can be hunted with lures beginning from the 30th of October until the end of February. The hunting grounds are rice fields, harvested corn and sunflower fields etc. The most important thing about this hunt is observation, based on it we can determine where exactly the birds feed.

Using camouflage netting a hideout is constructed near the edge of the field. 20 to 40 artificial birds and two devices with rotating mock wood pigeons imitating landing birds and luring flocks. Spreading some additional food, found in the field (sunflower seeds, corn etc.), between the lures is recommended because the birds have excellent vision. Additionally a lone, static, wood pigeon is placed on a high place overlooking the field to play the role of a lookout.

Shooting range is 15-30 m.; firing before the bird lands gives the best results. When there is more than one person involved, the hunters are allowed to fire only on command.

Retriever dogs can be used for this type of wingshooting in Bulgaria. The dog must be well disciplined and must be able to stay still inside the hideout because the birds are suspicious when they notice movement. The hunters must stay still while in the hideout as well.

Weapon: Semi-automatic rifles are the preferred choice, but side-by-side or over/under shotguns can also be used. Barrel length should be between 66 and 76 cm and the chokes can be: |, ||, |||. The most commonly used rounds are № 6 ½ and № 7 ½, generally though you can use rounds ranging from № 5 to № 8

Accessories: camouflage netting, 3D camouflages, appropriate clothes that seamlessly blend in with the terrain.

  • BG Fishermans

Язовири разрешени за риболов за рибари от Рашевци 5035

Списък на язовирите в България за риболов

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